Better Choice Loans
If you have unexpected expenses and a payday loan seems like your only option, we can help. With a NextStepKC Better Choice you can borrow up to $1,000 to get through tough times. Loan rates and repayment terms are reasonable, so you won’t get trapped in high cost borrowing. Plus, you’ll have access to a financial coach to help you through the process, build your credit score and more. Get started today.
When you’re facing financial challenges, knowing the right steps to make a huge difference. We’re here with practical information and connections to financial coaches who know how to help. Not just getting you through tough times now, but helping you move forward toward a more stable financial future.
Knowledge is power.
NextStepKC is an initiative led by Community Services League, a nonprofit that has helped people struggling to make ends meet for more than 108 years. Together, with social services, lending and community partners, we’re helping our neighbors in Kansas City build financial stability one step at a time.